Resindo Medika

Sleep Disorder Classification

Might you have a sleep disorder?  There are over 100 to choose from.  Most of us take sleep for granted until we get too much, too little or when things go bump in the night.  The affects of sleep disorders…

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Sleep Hygiene Tips – Research & Treatments

Getting good sleep is important in maintaining health. There are several things that you can do to promote good sleep and sleep hygiene, and ultimately Get Better Sleep. What is sleep hygiene? Sleep hygiene is defined as behaviors that one can…

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CPAP vs BIPAP – Research & Treatments

What is the difference between CPAP and BIPAP Both CPAP and BiPAP are treatments for sleep apnea that use airway pressure to treat pauses in breathing during sleep. Each technology has unique benefits that is used to treat sleep disordered…

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Sleep Apnea – Pengertian

Sleep Apnea adalah gangguan tidur yang terjadi ketika napas terhenti selama sesaat saat tertidur, hal ini dapat terjadi beberapa kali. Hal ini menyebabkan otak dan tubuh tidak mendapatkan asupan oksigen yang cukup. Sleep apnea adalah kondisi umum yang ditandai dengan…

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